These are the sermons that are preached from the Pulpit of Lexington Avenue Baptist Church

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Makin' it Happen -- Teaching for Results -- Luke 6:20-49

1. Introduction
There are some things that are just foundational in life. Everybody wants to have strong families, good health and emotional stability. Some people even take medications to achieve those things. We trust that if we lay a good foundation in the lives of our children, that they will turn out pretty much okay.
What do we think about when our kids are grown?
We think about their success.
We all want our children to be spiritual, attractive, successful, and or successfully married to someone who is spiritual, attractive and successful.
So we teach them the things that are important in life.
As we endeavor in their education we seek to be sure that it will have a positive impact on their lives.
So we watch their teachers at school, at church and at home to be sure that they are being properly educated.
We want our kids taught for results that will help them in the long run.

2. Describing the Biblical Text
This text describes on of Jesus’ sermons.
Much of the content of this sermon is similar to that in there Sermon on the Mount, a body of teaching that we find in Matthew’s Gospel.
In this sermon, Jesus is teaching about what he did most of the time and that was being able to live in the kingdom of God.
As we look at this text today, we will want to focus our attention on the last few verses a they will provide the platform for today's life message.

3. Narrate the Contextual application
I love to use stories to illustrate points.
I really do believe that Jesus used stories or parables because the people he was addressing understood them.
It is interesting that the word parable means to see beside.
So you see a story and in your mind as the story plays out, you see the truth illustrated by the story.
This is why video clips and pictures are so effective as well.
As your mind processes the meaning beside the story picture or clip, we are more apt to remember it.
The parable that Jesus is using to close this message is one about two men building houses.
The houses represent our lives.
Our lives either fall or stand based on what we do with the teaching of God.
Jesus was teaching for results and the church has to be about that as well.
Are we expecting lives to be changed by the teaching that we produce?
Are we seeing our lives changed by the teaching that we are finding here at LABC?

4. Life Application (thesis)
How a church teaches provides a foundation for people’s lives in that their lives will either stand before God by hearing well done good and faithful servant or by hearing depart from me I never knew you.
Our teaching has to help people draw near to God.
Our teaching must be providing a way for people to have peace and security in a life full of uncertainties.
Our teaching must be providing a foundation for people to live.

5. SO WHAT!! (Outline)
Our lives become the proving ground of our teaching and if we are taught effectively, then it shows up in the way that we live.
As we look at this text, we will make sure that there are two pillars in place that will our lives support when we need them.

The first pillar is that I will affirm the place of Jesus in my life by my actions.
There is an old saying that actions speak louder than words.
It is often times not what we say that has an effect on people, it is what we do.
You see, what we do is determined by who we are and who we are is determined by what, or in a spiritual sense, who we know.
Look at verse 46.
Do we call Jesus Lord?
He came, lived, died, and rose again proving that He was the Lord of creation.
I think it is very telling that we find the verse in Romans that says whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
We also find in Romans that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
What we know is determined by who we know.

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and as your savior?
The Bible teaches that Jesus came to give us an abundant, eternal life.
Please everyone bow your heads and close your eyes now.
With your head bowed, answer this question.
Do I know Jesus as my Lord and savior?
Have I given Him control of my life so that His teaching can actually benefit me?
Am I ready to give Him control and to trust Him with My life today?
Let’s jus share a moment of prayer together and if you want to ask Jesus into your life or give him control of your life this morning, just repeat after me but in sincerity knowing that they are the words you feel Jesus compelling you to say.
Dear Lord, I know that my life has not been what you want it to be. I know I have failed you and sinned. I am truly sorry for my wrongs and want my life to be reconciled to you through Jesus. Dear Jesus, Please come into my heart and life right now. I give you control of everything. Thank you for going to the cross for me. Thank you for saving and forgiving me. I pray in your name AMEN.

I would be very hypocritical of us to call Jesus Lord and then disobey Him wouldn’t it?
But you know what; there are people who do that.
There are people who will attend church on Sunday Morning and then cruise for women, hit the bars, engage in promiscuity with their girlfriends and boyfriends, curse the vilest language, and seek after things like weed and brews to try and be cool.
This is why Jesus asked this question.
How can you say one thing and then do something that is entirely contrary to what I teach?

Good teaching makes us realize that all of our actions are motivated by something.
That something is this: The Lord of our life.
If Jesus is the Lord of our lives then we will seek to obey Him.
He said himself that if we love Him we will keep His commands.
I will affirm the place of Jesus in my life by my actions.
Secondly, ultimately, life stands or falls based on what we do with the word of God.
That is the point of the parable.
Las Vegas has been under what we might call a building boom for the last 15 years or so. In order to make room for a new hotel casino, old ones have to torn down. You know what they do? The blow ‘em up. Ka plowee. But they do it in such a way that all the explosives when they detonate cause the building to fall in on itself.
Take a look at verse 49.
The torrent came against it and it collapsed.
That means that it fell in on itself.
Think about a life like that, a life that just collapses on itself.
None of us want that do we?
But it is the next part hat is really chilling.
The ruin of that house was great.
The word ruin is to break and the idea is that the house cracking up or breaking apart was totally devastating.
That is disaster and Jesus tells us where that disaster is coming from.
He tells us that it is from ignoring His word.

There is a simple principle that we can all apply to life here folks.
Ignore the Bible and what God is telling us to do and our lives will collapse. And the ruin of our lives will be great.
But, there is another principle at play here as well.
It is the opposite principle.
Build your life on the word of God and your life will stand.

The foundational truths of the Bible are like rock.
They are solid and they can support any life through any storm that might come.
Notice how the storm is described as torrents bursting against the house.
This is like a rampaging flood that has hurricane force winds behind it.
It is ripping at life with everything it has and yet the life stand and the life maintains its strength, Why?
It is because of the word of God.

If we are a church that truly want to make it happen and we desire to have an IMPACT in people’s lives then we must faithfully teach the word of God.
Do we avail ourselves of every opportunity to learn the word?
Does our church offer sufficient opportunities to teach the word?
Teaching for results means teaching people how to take God’s word and how to apply it to our lives.
Won’t you commit to that today?
Won’t you be a part of makin’ it happen?

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