I am sure that most of you have seen these little kits that come with these stretchy bands that you put on a square rack. Then you take some more of these stretchy band and you put them through each of the band that are on the square and alternate going over and under and then you attach those band to hooks on the edge of the square frame. When it is all said and done, you have a potholder. The principle there is known to us as weaving. Weaving can be used to create many different things. Most of us are wearing clothes from material that was woven. The neat thing about the weaving is that the weaver controls that which is woven. You can see woven blankets that have elaborate patterns and you can find floor mats woven out of straw.
Describing the Biblical Text
In this text, David is simply praising God for his attributes in His glory.
He is seeing God as being omniscient, having all knowledge; omnipresent, being in all places; and omnipotent, having all power.
David then desires that God search him and try him to discern the hurtful ways in heart that he might know the everlasting way
Narrate the Contextual application
As we look at the 4 verses that have our attention this morning, we will see a message that should get our attention.
It is a message of God’s power and his connection to us from the very earliest stages of our development.
If we really believe that we are made by God, then it follows that his purpose lies behind our being made.
Life Application (thesis)
Like the loom weaving the scarf or the child looming the potholder, God knows what He is doing when he puts us together.
In looking at that significant truth, let’s expound 2 truths this morning that show that our lives are important to God.
SO WHAT!! (Outline)
The first truth is one that we have already begun to discuss.
God is the weaver who put us together.
Look at the words in verse 13
You formed me
You wove me
The idea of formed is to be bought or purchased.
Inherent in that Hebrew thought is the idea of something new.
You formed me carries the idea of the newness of the substance.
There is also a thought her of uniqueness.
Barney the dinosaur has a song called you are special.
You are special you’re the only one you’re the only one like you.
That is the uniqueness of the baby in the womb.
In 2002 1,293,000 unique individuals were denied the chance to be born.
God’s handiwork was destroyed by the selfish desires of people who wanted to have no consequence sex or who did not want to become parents or grandparents before they thought it was time.
I want us to put that 1,293,000 figure into perspective.
In 2002, there were 1,353,000 students in all of North Carolina’s Government schools from Kindergarten to the 12th grade.
Think about that.
There were enough abortions in 2002 to empty NC government schools to less than 5% of their population that year.
That is a lot children who were never given the opportunity to drink a coke, to look at the stars, to play in the snow, or to simply kiss their moms or dads.
These children, just like King David had begun to be formed and woven in their mothers’ wombs.
My father in law retired from CSX Corporation as a safety liaison between his labor union and the company. In corporate America and in labor unions safety is a primary concern. No one wants to see people hurt or harmed or to see OSHA breathing down their necks or lawsuits from injuries sustained at work. The American workplace is one of the safest places we can be because of the regulation in place to protect people.
Where are some other places we can go to be safe?
We can be locked in our homes; that is pretty safe and I think most of us would feel pretty secure.
Gary Neumann had a song in 1980 called cars. The first line of that song started like this: Here in my car I feel safest of all; I can lock all my doors; it’s the only way to live in cars.
Can you think though of a safer place than mommy’s womb?
It’s so warm; you hear mommy’s heart beating; you can suck your thumb and sleep.
In a few months that will all change and you will enter the cold world.
Unless of course, that is cut short by the suction machine, the saline injections, or the Hemostats.
Abortion invades the place where God makes people and destroys the life being made there.
There is something else that I would like us to see in this text.
The psalmist declares in verse 14 that he was fearfully and wonderfully made
I want us to think about something.
God is in the position to fear and revere no one because He is God.
He is the sovereign creator of the universe and who would He fear.
Yet we see that we are fearfully made.
Our making is revered thing by God.
This word declares the reverence that God has placed in the creation of human life.
There is something reverent about the weaving together of a human being in his or her mommy’s womb.
I was very blessed to see all those people at the city council meeting last Tuesday. We all probably should have stayed to keep them from raising our electric rates. But you know what has happened in America? The sanctity of human life has taken a backseat to the idea of sex without consequences idea. What has happened to let that take place? Too many Christians have remained silent for too long.
The right to kill a preborn baby is simply part of the slope that we on which is moving us farther and farther away from God.
Babies are not seen as blessing but rather as inconveniences and the fact that their weaving in the womb is now something that can be terminated for any reason at any time during the pregnancy takes the fear and the wonder out of it.
Life is no longer sacred.
Human beings are wonderfully made in the image of God.
We spoke a few minutes ago about how we are all unique.
The word wonderfully further denotes that idea as we are the products of God’s craftsmanship.
The wonder is in the distinction of humanity from the rest of Gods creation.
We have a mind, a consciousness an ability to discern right from wrong and to have a relationship with the creator.
No other creature on the planet has that.
Dolphins may be the smartest mammals in the ocean but I bet none of us would go to a dolphin if we were sick.
Humpback whales might be able to communicate through the moans and squeaks but how many of us would want one to run the dispatch at 9-1-1?
We would not get the smart chimpanzee to build our next house.
That is because human beings are unique.
We are created by God with intelligence and the propensity to communicate.
We are wonderfully made in our uniqueness and in our place among all God’s creatures.
Let’s take a look at our second truth.
God had a purpose in the weaving.
When I was a child, my dad made a cool toy. It was a rubber band gun. It was essentially a clothespin tacked to a board with a nail at the front of the board. The purpose for the toy was to shoot rubber bands at stuff and not at people. But of course I was a kid and there were kids who lived next door that would come over and play. Well you can guess what happened. Somehow, one of those neighbor kids got shot with that rubber band gun. They cried and I got in trouble. Dad took my rubber band gun and broke in half.
That gun was made for a purpose and blew the purpose when I shot the neighbor.
Notice the words of verses 15 and 16.
My frame was not hid from you – that is a reference to the strength that we have indicating our ability to serve God.
God saw and knew that in our creation.
In the Westminster confession’s shorter catechism the very first question is what is the chief end of man?
Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
We also see in this passage that God had the book our lives before the very first page was lived.
We need to see that God does nothing without the purpose of receiving Glory from it.
So, if God knows our frame and made our frame and if God knows our lives and made our lives, we are special to Him.
There might be someone hearing this message today that messed up and that had that abortion.
God still loves you and He still heals and forgives.
If God was that close to you in the womb, has he ever really departed from you?
You can call on Him this morning in forgiveness and in hope.
You can serve Him this morning because He did know your frame and your days are still waiting to be fulfilled in him.
Don’t let the sins of the past keep you from a future with God.
The Bible says that if anyone call on the name of the Lord, he shall be saved
But as many as receive Jesus, they have the right to be called a child of God.
We were born once from the womb of a mother it is now time to be born again from the love of God.
These are the sermons that are preached from the Pulpit of Lexington Avenue Baptist Church
Saturday, January 20, 2007
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