These are the sermons that are preached from the Pulpit of Lexington Avenue Baptist Church

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Living the Difference -- The Produce Dealer -- John 15:1-8

About 15 or so years ago, a movement began. At least I call it a movement. We started to see these weird and exotic fruits in the grocery stores. I think it started with the kiwi fruit. Then you had passion fruit and pomegranates. With the guacamole craze came the avocado and then the mango and here comes the hybrids like clementines and tangelos. We certainly cannot forget the ever-popular plantain and what in the world is a star fruit? It looks like a yellow ball of wax.
But, the market place knows something.
It knows that consumers like variety.
Fortunately for us, our fruit that we bear in Jesus is defined much more simply.
It would simply be defined as that which we produce as a result of being connected to Jesus.

Describing the Biblical Text
This text describes a scene that takes place in the upper room as Jesus is teaching His disciples what they will need to know when He is gone.
He is teaching them about the ministry of the Holy Spirit and about his relationship to God.
He is teaching them about comfort and tribulation.
He is teaching them how to be connected to God.

Narrate the Contextual application
That is what being a follower of Jesus Christ is all about.
It is the process of our God connection.
Jesus was telling His disciples that they are connected to Him.
He is telling us that we are connected to Him.
What is the impact of that connection on our lives?
That is demonstrated by our ability and our willingness to bear fruit for the kingdom of God.

Life Application (thesis)
Too many times, we have seen life defined by too many unbiblical things.
Men define life by a career or by earnings.
Women define life by their social interactions and their children.
Teens define life by stuff.
If you want to know the Biblical truth, bearing fruit in Christ is the demonstration of the successful life.

SO WHAT!! (Outline)
This idea can be explained through 3 concessions that we will see in the text this morning.
The first concession is this.
I must concede to allow God to cleanse me.
It is essential that we do this because if we do not we would run the risk of becoming fruitless.
Look at verse 2.
Probably most of us have grown a tomato plant at one time or another. You know those little stalks that try to grow at the connecting point between the main stem and the branches? They are called suckers and if allowed to stay on the plant, can rob the plant of needed nutrition which affects the production of the tomatoes. They just suck all the nutrients right away from the fruit.

That is the idea that Jesus is communicating in verse 2.
If we are bearing fruit, then we are cleansed that we might be able to bear more fruit.
The question really must be asked, “Are we really willing for God to prune our lives?”
That means that we might have to lose something that we enjoy or like in order to serve Christ more effectively.
That could be tough.
Especially, if we like to call our friends on the phone and talk about what we don’t like about church.
Or, if we like the greatest, newest gadgets and have buried ourselves under mountains of debt to have stuff that we don’t need.
Of if we use the Internet as a playground to feed our lustful desires or as a way to escape the realities of life.
It might be something simpler than that.
It might just involve the choice of your radio station or your TV channel.
Why listen to songs about adultery, drinking, partying every day, and rock and rolling all night long, when we can listen to music that might edify us and help us to grow in the Lord.

The pruning process shows us that we are connected to God.
It shows us that He cares for us and desires that we show the world that we care for Him.
The problem is that many followers of Jesus cannot endure the pruning process.
We don’t like to scale things back we like our limbs and we like our suckers that suck all our time and attention from the things that we need to be doing for our Lord.
But, there is a pruning process that we must engage if we are going to serve Christ faithfully.
We need to begin by assuring ourselves that we indeed have a relationship with Jesus.
That comes when we are overwhelmed by our sin and the realization sets in that apart from Christ we have no hope of ever living a full and meaningful life.
Apart from Christ, we have no hope at all.
Jesus said that apart from Him we could do nothing.
What is the value of a life without Christ?
Since God created all men in His image, we can’t say worthless can we?
But what will a life without Christ leave behind?
It will leave nothing of eternal consequence.
That is not the way it has to be.
Let’s bow our heads right now.
There are some of us who want life to really matter.
Now is the time to take that step.
Why don’t you pray to receive Jesus as your Lord right now?
In doing that you will be receiving something of eternal value and thus will be able to leave something of eternal value.
Dear Lord, I know my life has displeased you. I know that my sin bears your anger and wrath. I am so very sorry. I want Jesus to come into my life right now and to be my Lord and savior. I give Him control of my life and everything in it. Thank you for hearing my prayer and saving me today. In Jesus’ Name AMEN

What is next in the process?
We must pray and ask God if there is anything in our lives that could be removed in order for us to be fruitful for Him.
Anyone who thinks that their lives are so perfect pure and holy that God cannot prune anything away is simply arrogant and fooling themselves.
Even the apostle Paul who sought to live blameless viewed himself as chief among sinners.

The next part of the process is seeking what the Bible has to say about abiding in Christ.
This would then be our second concession.
I must concede that I will abide in Christ.
When you look at verse 5 we see a connection don’t we.
Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.
The branches are dependent on the vine fore life and for nourishment.
We depend on Jesus for the same things.
Wednesday was a tough day for me.
I am on the CTBA’s Administrative Leadership Team and we met on Wednesday. I was up and out of the house pretty early and had to attend a two-hour meeting. I got back to the office around 10:30. You want to know the first thing I heard when I got back? It wasn’t the phone or Brenda. It was gurrrougrogggo. I was getting hungry. I needed that nourishment that could only come from a Burger king double Cheeseburger.
Jesus said blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.
That is a cool thing because we desire that which strengthens our connection to the vine and the vine gives it to us that we might grow and be closer to Christ.

Abiding in Christ means that our lives are in Him
That song that says, “my life is in you Lord” is so appropriate because it is so true.
If we are not abiding in Christ, we can never be fruitful.
Anyone who has ever seen a pilot fish has seen another animal with it. That is because the pilot fish is totally dependent on the white tip shark for everything. You see, the pilot fish swims with the shark almost appearing to be attached to it. But what the pilot fish does is wait for the shark to either kill something or to find the garbage of a ship and then the pilot fish eats the bits and pieces left by the shark. Pilot fish have even been observed swimming in and out of the shark’s mouth to clean the bits of food from between its teeth.

Do we abide in Christ that way?
Do we let Him lead us that he is always providing for our needs?
If we want to have a fruitful life, we must make the concession that we will abide in and rely on Christ.

Our third concession is that I must concede to be living proof of my faith in Jesus.
Look at verses 7 and 8.
Verse 7 is not the grandfather clause in the Bible.
Notice those conditions that are applied to asking the Father for anything in Jesus’ name: if you abide in me and my word abide in you.
If we are dependent on Jesus for everything and his word is abiding in us or dependent on us for its being obeyed, what do we have?
We have disciples that are sold out to Jesus who are bearing fruit for him and asking anything is asking for anything that enables us to better abide in him and that enables us to better obey the word of God.

But what Happens WHEN God answers that prayer and we receive the ability to obey and to serve Christ?
Three things happen: God is glorified; He receives the praise and the adoration of His people and attention of those who do not yet follow Christ.
We bear much fruit: many people come to Christ and those who already know Him mature in their faith to the point of being obedient fruit bearers.
And prove to be disciples: We become accomplished in our discipleship and in our service to Christ.
The process of maturity as a follower of Jesus is seen and enjoyed by those in His church.
We see ourselves moving toward completion

Have we made that concession that God can do whatever he needs to do to cleanse us?
Have we mad the concession that we will abide in Christ?
Have we made the concession to be living proof that of our faith?
If we are going to be fruitful for Jesus and live successfully in His kingdom, we must be determined to bear fruit for Him and that means conceding our lives to Him as well.
Are we ready to live the difference that Jesus has made in our lives?
If Jesus has made a difference in our lives then it is time to live that difference and to show that difference to the world.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Living the Difference -- Dead to Live -- Galatians 2:20

Death is something that most people don’t like to think about. We are cognizant of the inevitability of death and as we know, funerals are a regular part of life more and more the older we get. I sit in my office and many days at 11:40 and 2:40 a funeral procession will be moving down Lexington Avenue.
We can think about death in several ways. We can see it as an ultimate end or as a passing to a new life with God. Many people fear death. If it were the year 1907, my life expectancy would only be two more years. Death is not something that we anticipate, look forward to, and even though we plan for it, neither we nor our families are ever ready for it.

Describing the Biblical Text
In this passage Paul is telling the Galatians that they do not have to become adherents of the law of the Jews before thy become followers of Jesus Christ.
As a matter of fact, he would insist that to be forced to become Jewish prior to following Jesus would negate the grace of God.
Paul then pointed his own Judaism saying that if after following Christ he rebuilt his Jewish faith he would then be a transgressor or one who walks past the true faith in Christ.

Narrate the Contextual application
As we look at this text, we see Paul using death as a metaphor.
He is describing a life of serving Christ as not only a death, but as an execution.
Make no mistake about the impact of these words on those who heard them read.
You see, Paul was saying that who we were is not important compared to who we are in Jesus.

Life Application (thesis)
In looking then at the theme “Living the Difference” through the lens of this passage, we will see the main point that we are developing this morning is this: Dying to self means living by faith in Christ.
I do need to make a statement of clarification here.
We are speaking to this topic this morning in the narrow context of faith in Christ.
It is possible to die to self and then not follow Christ.
We can crucify the flesh for many reasons.
Think about it for a minute. A man desires to have a relationship with a woman that he has met. He quits smoking and loses weight. A rabid football fan desires to show support for his team. He takes off his shirt at the stadium on a 20-degree day to reveal that he has painted a team logo on his chest.
It can even be unhealthy as the 100 lb. girl who perceives she is overweight and diets and purges after meals.
All of these things are in some form or another dying to self and forfeiting desires.

But Paul was speaking here to something that would be life changing.
He was speaking to the difference that Jesus would make in a life that was completely surrendered to Him.
Let’s see what we need to acknowledge this morning from this passage.

SO WHAT!! (Outline)
Acknowledgement number one is this.
I have been crucified with Christ.
That is a hard hard statement for anyone to make and completely mean it.
What did we say about that phrase crucified with Christ earlier?
I am executed with Christ.
I was watching a very popular entertainment audition program the other night and there was a contestant on the show that made this remark, “God likes good people.”
That is about the most convoluted, repugnant, and inaccurate statement I have ever heard.
I would almost rather see the little blue oval that covers their mouths when they curse than to hear someone mischaracterize the nature of God.
Some people might be thinking “what was so bad about that.
It feeds into the American myth of Christianity which was very much like the heresy that the Judaizers preached as they said that you had to become Jewish to become a follower of Jesus.
It’s a works based system.
If I am good, then God will like me.
Now, let me ask you the most subjective question of all.
Are you good?
No one wants to say no to that and in most people’s eyes, they are good people.
But, in God’s eyes, no one is good.

That is what Paul is saying when he indicates that he is crucified with Christ.
All of his Jewishness that should be applicable in God looking on him with favor is crucified with Christ.
No man is justified or declared righteous by the law of by any and I mean any deeds that he would do to gain favor with God.
That Bible teaches that we have nothing to bring to God.
We cannot even seek Him until He moves us or draws us.
This is the idea in classical theology of total depravity.
Man is totally depraved in his separation from God and cannot even know the things of God.
But, Paul’s statement gives us hope and a possibility for a future with God.
For if we were crucified with Christ, our self-made efforts to come to God were also crucified.
But what else went to the cross with Jesus?
Our sin went to the cross with Jesus.
“All we like sheep have gone astray,” declares the prophet Isaiah, “But the lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
Our old life went to the cross as well.
Remember our passage from last week?
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation behold the old things have passed away and new things have come from God.
That means that Jesus died to give you a new life with God that you could never ever earn or deserve.
God likes good people, BAH!
Anyone thinking like that would need a serious attitude adjustment that they might see themselves as God sees them.

Baptism paints a very good picture of what takes place when we receive Christ into our lives.
We are buried with Him in death to our old lives to sin and to selfish desires.
We are raised again to walk with Christ and in Christ in a newness of life.
That newness of life points us to the second acknowledgement that we would see in this passage.
I live by faith in the Son of God.
When we are crucified with Christ and we die to sin and self.
One of the great things that happens when we enter into a relationship with Jesus is that death is replaced with life.
It is life that is not self reliant in terms of our seeking God but it is life that was sought by God and has replaced our empty efforts to seek and know God on our own terms with Faith.
It is believing the One who loved and gave Himself up for us.

Right now you might be thinking that all of your efforts to try to come into a relationship with God have been useless but I want to say this, right now, someone might be sensing the call of God on their lives.
Someone here could be sensing that it is time to crucify the old life and to nail it t the cross of Christ and to live anew by faith in Christ.
If God is calling to you, you can answer him right now.
Let’s bow our heads for just a moment.
If it is your desire to crucify the flesh and all of its empty efforts to know God and to walk in a new life that has come to God solely through the cross of Jesus, won’t you pray with me?
Dear Lord. I am tired of doing things my way. I know I have sinned and can never meet your expectations on my own. I want to be crucified with Christ and put to death my sin and selfish desires. I want to live by faith in Jesus, the son of God. I receive Jesus into my heart and life and my Lord and savior. Thank your for dying for me and raising from the dead and thank you for saving my. In your name, AMEN
If you just surrendered your life to Christ, you are ready to walk in that newness of Life.

That means that in the life you lead, Christ will be living in you.
This means that our motivations change.
Our desires change; our attitudes change; our behavior changes.
We do everything we can to conform to Jesus Christ.
We do everything we can to live in way that pleases Him and you know what?
We have the ability to do that.
We have that ability because Christ lives in us.
We have that ability because Christ gave Himself for us to give us that ability.

On May 6, 1954 something incredible happened that had never happened before. Roger Bannister became the first human being to ever run the mile in under four minutes, 3:59.4. The old record of 4:01.4 had stood since 1945. The four minute mile was seen as an impossible barrier to overcome. But Roger Bannister did it. But, six weeks later Bannister’s record fell as John Land trimmed almost 2 seconds of the old time. By 1957 16 different runners had achieved the milestone. Isn’t it amazing how we can do that which we know is possible?

I want to tell you that you can live a life that brings glory to the Lord because the life you live in the flesh you live by faith in the Son of God.
Are we ready to live that life?
Are we ready to live the difference that Jesus has made in our lives?
If Jesus has made a difference in our lives then it is time to live that difference and to show that difference to the world.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Living the Difference -- Something from God -- 2 Corinthians 5:16-19

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1. Introduction
In the children’s story Balto, the title character is a dog who is also part wolf. He takes much grief from the other dogs especially Steele who is the leading dog for the mushing dog team. Diphtheria comes to the Alaskan village where the story takes place and the dogs compete for spots on the team that will go to Nome and get the antitoxin. Balto competes and wins but because Steele makes him yelp and he is part wolf, he is rejected. As it turns out, the dog team gets Side tracked and the musher gets hurt and Steele deserts the team. Balto comes to the rescue and tries to lead the team but is having trouble until he meets a white wolf that helps Balto to realize his wolf heritage will help him guide the team. Balto uses his strength and his other honed wolf senses and gets the medicine back to the village where he is given the hero’s welcome.
Balto’s life changed when he realized what he really was and his life made a difference in the lives of others.

2. Describing the Biblical Text
Paul was describing in the chapter before us that there is a difference between spiritual and earthly things.
As he gets to this point, he is demonstrating that we are recreated in a spiritual was.
It is much like what Jesus was saying in John three when He used the analogy of being born again.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
When we become a follower of Jesus Christ, something radically changes.

3. Narrate the Contextual application
If we are something new, something spiritual, something beautiful, then we are something special to God.
He changed us and newly created us and has truly made a difference in our lives
Is the difference that God is making in our lives spilling over and out of our vessel?
Are we seeking to give others the same blessing that we have known by being a follower of Jesus Christ?

4. Life Application (thesis)
God made a difference in my life which should make a difference in the lives of others.
What I like about this passage though is that we see new things here.
We can see the new things that God has given us and realize how important they are for others.

5. SO WHAT!! (Outline)
I have in my hand a couple of bucks.
That looks like some people’s faith.
When do you take money out of your pocket?
You use it when you need it.
You take it out when it is time to spend it.
Too many followers of Jesus look at their faith that way.
We pull it out when we need it.
Okay, time to go to church, I need my faith now. Time to go home I throw it in the back seat until Wednesday when I need again to come and eat.
Think about this. You are standing at home at 10:42 on a Thursday morning and I call you and I say, “hey brother or sister, what impact is your faith having on your life right now?”
You know, some of us would not have an answer.
Let’s take a look at the first new thing that we see in this passage.

We have a new perspective.
Do you see how Paul says that he has known Jesus in the flesh and no longer knows Him that way?
That is very important for us because it tells us that we can actually know about Jesus without really knowing Him.
I know that we have all probably heard that before but how can we put that into some clarity to show that we really do know Jesus.
I met a pastor by the name of Jim Henry back in 1985. He was a member of a committee of the SBC with whom I was scheduled to meet in Wake Forest NC. We spent several hours together. Jim Henry is now the interim pastor at Green Street but you know what. If you ask him if he knows me, he would say no. We were introduced; we shook hands; we talked but you what we did not do?
We did not pursue a relationship with each other.
I have met him and know who he is but I don’t know Jim Henry.
Now you know what would happen if we started going to lunch every Tuesday?
If I invited him and his wife over for lunch after church, we would begin to become friends.
We would begin to have a relationship with each other.

When Paul says that he no longer knows Jesus according to the flesh, he is saying that he has entered into a spiritual relationship with Jesus.
Remember like we discussed a few minutes ago, this passage as we read it is a comparison between the divine and the temporal, the earthly and the eternal.
We can relate to Jesus like that also.
There are many people who have made some kind of decision, who walked an aisle, who prayed a prayer and then never had anything else to do with Jesus.
What is really sad is that these people probably think that they are saved because some told them if they would just make the decision everything would be okay.
We have also told countless unregenerate people that they are saved because of that decision in the past.

But I want to tell you something.
If there is a decision but there is no fruit to follow, there is no relationship with Jesus.
How do I know that?
It is our second new thing.
We have a new Identity.
Look at verse 17
Therefore, based on the fact that we know Christ spiritually, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature.
That would be better rendered as creation.
We are a new creation.
A change takes place in us that emanates from our very core.
That’s because it is a miraculous supernatural change that is brought about by the Spirit of the living God in Christ Jesus.

Think about what it is like when you get something new.
You get a new car and it smells better than the old one; it rides better than the old one, it has nifty new stuff that the old one did not have, it is worth more than the old one.
It is just better because it is new.
When Jesus comes into your heart in life, you are better because you are new.
Just like that old car is gone; notice what it says here that the old things are passed away.
This means that the old way of know Jesus according to the flesh is gone.
Would you like to know Jesus in a new way this morning?
You can, but you won’t be making a decision you will be surrendering your life to Jesus.
Why do you need a new life?
You need a new life because the old one is separated from God by the things that we do that have displeased God.
Those things are called sin.
The Bible says that everyone has sinned and we earn death because of those things.
But, God’s gift to us is eternal life in Christ the Lord.
If you receive Jesus, you can become a child of God and know that God has forgiven your sins by putting them on Jesus account.
He settled the account when He died on the cross so that your sin debt to God, eternal death in separation from God, is paid in full.

Everyone please bow your heads and close your eyes.
If you would like to surrender your life to Jesus today, won’t you repeat this prayer: Dear Lord, I know that my sins have made you angry and have caused me to be removed from you. I am so sorry that I have sinned and would like to turn from that life. Jesus, I would like for you to come into my life. I give my life to you. Thank you for rescuing me from the punishment for my sin. In your name I pray, AMEN.

If you just prayed to receive Jesus what just happened to you was that you were reconciled, brought near to God.
Look at verse 18
Now, all these things are from God.
What things are those?
They are the new things in verse 17.
Back to 18
[Read 18-19]
We were reconciled to God but we received something else,
Our third new thing
We have a new ministry.
It is the ministry and the word of reconciliation.

In other words, we should be doing the things and saying the things that will help others come to Jesus Christ.
Reconciliation to God is a beautiful thing.
We were wretches and now we are righteous as we are clothed in the blood of Jesus Christ.
God no longer counts our trespasses against us because they were placed on the shoulders of Jesus when He died on the cross.
Something here that I find pretty fascinating is that God was in Christ doing the reconciling.
God did the work.
All we have to do is minister the work of God.
All we have to do is to share the word of God.
We are like the person who wears the cow suit at Chick-fil-a.
The cow doesn’t cook the food but he stands on the corner and lets others know the food is there.
He goes from table to table waving at the patrons and playing with the children.
We didn’t do the work; we just need to tell people about the work that God did.
We need to serve others that they can see how great God’s work for them really is.
It reminds me of D. T. Niles definition of evangelism, “One beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.”

We have a new spiritual perspective that has arisen out of a new identity.
That new identity demands to be recognized through a new ministry, the ministry of reconciliation, sharing with others how God reconciled them to Himself through Christ.
If Jesus has made a difference in our lives then it is time to live that difference and to show that difference to the world.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Makin' it Happen -- Teaching for Results -- Luke 6:20-49

1. Introduction
There are some things that are just foundational in life. Everybody wants to have strong families, good health and emotional stability. Some people even take medications to achieve those things. We trust that if we lay a good foundation in the lives of our children, that they will turn out pretty much okay.
What do we think about when our kids are grown?
We think about their success.
We all want our children to be spiritual, attractive, successful, and or successfully married to someone who is spiritual, attractive and successful.
So we teach them the things that are important in life.
As we endeavor in their education we seek to be sure that it will have a positive impact on their lives.
So we watch their teachers at school, at church and at home to be sure that they are being properly educated.
We want our kids taught for results that will help them in the long run.

2. Describing the Biblical Text
This text describes on of Jesus’ sermons.
Much of the content of this sermon is similar to that in there Sermon on the Mount, a body of teaching that we find in Matthew’s Gospel.
In this sermon, Jesus is teaching about what he did most of the time and that was being able to live in the kingdom of God.
As we look at this text today, we will want to focus our attention on the last few verses a they will provide the platform for today's life message.

3. Narrate the Contextual application
I love to use stories to illustrate points.
I really do believe that Jesus used stories or parables because the people he was addressing understood them.
It is interesting that the word parable means to see beside.
So you see a story and in your mind as the story plays out, you see the truth illustrated by the story.
This is why video clips and pictures are so effective as well.
As your mind processes the meaning beside the story picture or clip, we are more apt to remember it.
The parable that Jesus is using to close this message is one about two men building houses.
The houses represent our lives.
Our lives either fall or stand based on what we do with the teaching of God.
Jesus was teaching for results and the church has to be about that as well.
Are we expecting lives to be changed by the teaching that we produce?
Are we seeing our lives changed by the teaching that we are finding here at LABC?

4. Life Application (thesis)
How a church teaches provides a foundation for people’s lives in that their lives will either stand before God by hearing well done good and faithful servant or by hearing depart from me I never knew you.
Our teaching has to help people draw near to God.
Our teaching must be providing a way for people to have peace and security in a life full of uncertainties.
Our teaching must be providing a foundation for people to live.

5. SO WHAT!! (Outline)
Our lives become the proving ground of our teaching and if we are taught effectively, then it shows up in the way that we live.
As we look at this text, we will make sure that there are two pillars in place that will our lives support when we need them.

The first pillar is that I will affirm the place of Jesus in my life by my actions.
There is an old saying that actions speak louder than words.
It is often times not what we say that has an effect on people, it is what we do.
You see, what we do is determined by who we are and who we are is determined by what, or in a spiritual sense, who we know.
Look at verse 46.
Do we call Jesus Lord?
He came, lived, died, and rose again proving that He was the Lord of creation.
I think it is very telling that we find the verse in Romans that says whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
We also find in Romans that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
What we know is determined by who we know.

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and as your savior?
The Bible teaches that Jesus came to give us an abundant, eternal life.
Please everyone bow your heads and close your eyes now.
With your head bowed, answer this question.
Do I know Jesus as my Lord and savior?
Have I given Him control of my life so that His teaching can actually benefit me?
Am I ready to give Him control and to trust Him with My life today?
Let’s jus share a moment of prayer together and if you want to ask Jesus into your life or give him control of your life this morning, just repeat after me but in sincerity knowing that they are the words you feel Jesus compelling you to say.
Dear Lord, I know that my life has not been what you want it to be. I know I have failed you and sinned. I am truly sorry for my wrongs and want my life to be reconciled to you through Jesus. Dear Jesus, Please come into my heart and life right now. I give you control of everything. Thank you for going to the cross for me. Thank you for saving and forgiving me. I pray in your name AMEN.

I would be very hypocritical of us to call Jesus Lord and then disobey Him wouldn’t it?
But you know what; there are people who do that.
There are people who will attend church on Sunday Morning and then cruise for women, hit the bars, engage in promiscuity with their girlfriends and boyfriends, curse the vilest language, and seek after things like weed and brews to try and be cool.
This is why Jesus asked this question.
How can you say one thing and then do something that is entirely contrary to what I teach?

Good teaching makes us realize that all of our actions are motivated by something.
That something is this: The Lord of our life.
If Jesus is the Lord of our lives then we will seek to obey Him.
He said himself that if we love Him we will keep His commands.
I will affirm the place of Jesus in my life by my actions.
Secondly, ultimately, life stands or falls based on what we do with the word of God.
That is the point of the parable.
Las Vegas has been under what we might call a building boom for the last 15 years or so. In order to make room for a new hotel casino, old ones have to torn down. You know what they do? The blow ‘em up. Ka plowee. But they do it in such a way that all the explosives when they detonate cause the building to fall in on itself.
Take a look at verse 49.
The torrent came against it and it collapsed.
That means that it fell in on itself.
Think about a life like that, a life that just collapses on itself.
None of us want that do we?
But it is the next part hat is really chilling.
The ruin of that house was great.
The word ruin is to break and the idea is that the house cracking up or breaking apart was totally devastating.
That is disaster and Jesus tells us where that disaster is coming from.
He tells us that it is from ignoring His word.

There is a simple principle that we can all apply to life here folks.
Ignore the Bible and what God is telling us to do and our lives will collapse. And the ruin of our lives will be great.
But, there is another principle at play here as well.
It is the opposite principle.
Build your life on the word of God and your life will stand.

The foundational truths of the Bible are like rock.
They are solid and they can support any life through any storm that might come.
Notice how the storm is described as torrents bursting against the house.
This is like a rampaging flood that has hurricane force winds behind it.
It is ripping at life with everything it has and yet the life stand and the life maintains its strength, Why?
It is because of the word of God.

If we are a church that truly want to make it happen and we desire to have an IMPACT in people’s lives then we must faithfully teach the word of God.
Do we avail ourselves of every opportunity to learn the word?
Does our church offer sufficient opportunities to teach the word?
Teaching for results means teaching people how to take God’s word and how to apply it to our lives.
Won’t you commit to that today?
Won’t you be a part of makin’ it happen?